Weather at The Highlands Estate

Every month throughout the year brings unique levels of unparallel beauty and photo opportunities. As The Highlands Estate is located about one thousand feet above the town of Cloverdale, we’re typically 5-10 degrees cooler during the summer months than Cloverdale. Additionally, due to our 1,400-foot elevation and proximity to the ocean, even on warmer days during the summer, in the late afternoon and early evening we receive a gentle cooling breeze. Scroll down to see:

  • How does the vineyard look throughout the season at The Highlands Estate?

  • Average High & Low Temperatures at The Highlands Estate

  • Average Rainfall at The Highlands Estate

How Does The Highlands Estate Vineyard Look Throughout the Season?

Of course, this is somewhat subjective, but here’s a rundown of what’s going on in the vineyard throughout the year:

  • April – bud break is usually early in the month, and typically by the end of the month the green shoots are 10-12” long.

  • May – the vines are all green and filled in.

  • June through July – the vineyard is full and lush. Green grapes will appear in July.

  • August – the grapes will go through veraison, meaning they will change color from green to dark purple.

  • September – the green leaves may start to show some fall colors of yellows and red. The grapes may be harvested toward the end of the month.

  • October – the leaves will continue to turn to fall colors. If harvest hasn’t happened in September, it will happen in the first week or two of October.

  • November – beautiful fall colors.

  • December – March – the vines have no leaves.

Average High & Low Temperatures - Fahrenheit

Average Inches of Rainfall